Fairtrade Fortnight

Children at Greenfylde First School in Ilminster have been thinking hard about their World as part of Fairtrade Fortnight 2022. With the theme of ‘Choose the World you Want’ children have been taking part in games, activities and creative tasks to think about where their food comes from and what we need in the world in order to produce enough food. They have also been thinking about the different between what we want in our World and what we actually need. Claire Oaten, Headteacher commented, ‘Our pupils are the future citizens and decision makers in our World so it’s important we encourage them at an early age to appreciate and understand the world around them. Being the local Iminster school on the Ilminster Fairtrade Committee, we want to support our children in understanding about a fairer future world and Fairtrade Fortnight with the activities in school and other opportunities such as the Fairtrade town trail competition allows us to do this in a fun and meaningful way for the children.’ The children’s work is on display in the showcase window of the Ilminster Emporium, Silver Street for 2 weeks.

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