Key Stage 1

Golden, Puffin, Camelot, Hook and Dunkerton Class News

Friday 18th March 2022

We have been continuing to learn about explorers in History. This week, we found out all about Niel Armstrong and the incredible journey he took to the Moon. We examined his life and thought carefully about what his impact was. Children loved finding out further facts about the moon and the moon landing. They also loved practising a moon-walk and speaking like Niel Armstrong in his space suit! Children have expressed an interest in learning more about space exploration next. Also in History, we have been learning about the life of Christopher Columbus and thinking about way in which his journey was similar or different from the moon landing!
This week, we also loved dressing up for Red Nose Day. Children spent lots of time telling each other ‘Knock Knock’ jokes and we read many funny stories!

Friday 11th March 2022

It’s been another busy week in Dunkerton Class. We’ve been busy looking at our Multiplication in maths and making ‘equal groups’ of objects before constructing and solving multiplication calculations of our own. In our English work we have continued to look at our class book ‘The Bee Who Spoke’ by Al MacCuish and Rebecca Gibbon. We have been learning the story and thinking about the differences between living in the country and living in a big city like Paris. We even drew a ‘Bee’s Eye Map’ of the French countryside from the book.
In our Science lessons we have been looking at plants and investigating the different leaves we can find from the trees around our school. We are very lucky at Greenfylde to be surrounded by nature and greenery. We examined the different parts of trees and flowering plants such as the leaves, the stem, the petals, trunk and roots. We discovered how plants are able to make their own food using their leaves and by sucking up water and nutrients from the soil.
We had our non-uniform day in support of the Ukrainian people and to raise money for the rapidly worsening humanitarian crisis in Ukraine. The children concerned about the situation and keen to talk about it and show their support.
Our PE lessons have been centring around Gymnastics and we have been learning seven basic Gymnastics shapes as well as practising holding ‘point’ and ‘patch’ balances for a slow count of four – no easy task at times!

Friday 4th March 2022

Wow! What a fantastic first week back after half term! Golden Class have not stopped.

Fairtrade Fortnight excitement spread across the whole of the school, it gave us the opportunity to discuss where our food came from and to understand the importance of Fairtrade. We created our own cocoa beans and found out that chocolates comes from South America! On Pancake Day, we even applied our knowledge of Fairtrade to make our own delicious, Fairtrade pancakes, chocolate was definitely a popular choice! On Wednesday, we were given the opportunity to walk up to the Meeting House to look at a variety of art by children from all around the area. We even saw some of our own work, it was really amazing to see such a variety, not to mention inspiring!

At the end of the week we were all extremely excited as it was World Book Day, it gave us an amazing opportunity to dress up as our favourite characters and share our much-loved books. We channelled our inner illustrators to design our own, Superworm inspired, front cover.

We all really enjoyed being back at school, we are looking forward to having a lovely half term together.

Friday 18th February 2022

Hook Class have been busy writing play scripts for our story ‘How to find gold.’ They learnt how to use stage directions correctly and then retold the story through speech over three scenes! They have also been combining their musical skills with their computing… by thinking about different rhythms, pulses and patterns. Then they had a go at composing their own songs using the iPads on:

Friday 11th February 2022

This week, we have had two really important dates this week in school. On Tuesday, the whole school participated in Safer Internet Day. We spent time talking about how to remain safe online and about what we can do to make online communities kinder and more respectful. As part of this we: used our online safety rules; drew pictures of trusted adults; made a ‘kinder internet’ spell and listened to the story of Digiduck in the assembly.

On Friday, as part of Children’s Mental Health week, we spent a morning engaging in activities which will support children to deal with their emotions and anxieties. We practised belly breathing, guided meditations and thinking about our happy places. Dominique shared lots of resources from ELSA (Emotional Literacy Support) like ‘Three good things’ and ‘Making a worry tree’. There are more ELSA resources which you can use at home here: 

We have also been learning about teamwork as part of the Young Leaders Award – we had to work in teams to complete several challenges and games.

Friday 28th January 2022

What a busy week we’ve had in Dunkerton! We have been working very hard on our additions and our subtractions and learning to use our place value columns to help us with the calculations. We have been working on a set of instructions to help us in our hunt for gold. This week we drew our treasure maps (x marks the spot) and learned about the importance of time conjunctions when writing instructions. We also started using our imperative verbs (the ‘bossy’ verbs) to tell people what to do.
Dunkerton conducted an experiment to see which of a range of activities was best for keeping us fit. We learned that to keep fit we need to exercise and raise our heartrate for around an hour a day. We tried out a number of different activities to get our heart pumping a little faster!
We were biologists in science, where we looked at a variety of habitats and researched how animals were adapted to their habitats and able to thrive within them.

Friday 21st January 2022

This week Golden Class have been very busy. We kicked off the week with Forest School, we channelled our inner twitchers and became bird spotters. We made a pair of binoculars to help us then spent the afternoon looking for birds around the school ground. It was all very exciting but the hardest part was making sure we didn’t scare the birds!During English, we have been looking at lots of glistening gold and more importantly how to find it! We’ve spent lots of time retelling our book How to Find Gold and experimenting with exciting adjectives in our writing.Later in the week, we spent some time looking at 3D shapes and sorting them by properties, the trickiest part of this was when the sphere kept rolling away!In Geography, we have been looking at all things maps, in particular maps of Ilminster. We labelled the human and physical features on maps of Ilminster. Then, we spent some time making our own during Independent Learning Time.

Friday 14th January 2022

This week we were very lucky to have Helen and Harold from Life Education visit us and talk to use about our feelings and how our bodies work! Our new topic in PE is dance so we have been learning a new dance with a Mexican wave theme. We have also written some instructions for Anna and the Crocodile from our story telling them how to find some gold! Our instructions were so clear that Anna replied to us and let us have some of their secret gold treasure!

Friday 7th January 2022

We have had a great first week back at school and it has been lovely to see the children again and hear all about their Christmas breaks. This week, we have started our new topics in each subject. In Art, we have explored how we can change materials by tearing, cutting and adding marks to tissue paper. We are learning all about collage so it has been very useful to think about how we can create different effects by changing the material in different ways. In Science, we have been thinking about our senses and we are starting to understand what it means to work scientifically. In Geography, we learnt what the USA is and looked at the flag that represents the USA. We are looking forward to our Life Education sessions next week and getting stuck into each of our topics in more detail.

Friday 26th November 2021

This has been an extremely busy week in Year 2.  We have been investigating structures and buildings in our DT class. We built some self-supporting structures using a variety of building materials. We found some materials were better suited to keeping rigid structures than others!
On Wednesday it was our No Pens Day Wednesday. We did all of our learning without ever once putting pen/ pencil to paper. We built different sentences using verbs, nouns and adjectives (and even one or two adverbs along the way) and for our maths we used all four operators to try to get as much treasure on our island as we possibly could.
Our Computing this term has been looking at how we use digital devices in our lives. This week we were using different devices to take photos – action shots, portraits etc. We found that framing was really important and that we had to think carefully about who else might be in the background of our shots!

Friday 19th November 2021

We have been continuing to learn and think about the Polar Regions this week. Children have been developing research skills by taking notes from videos, non-fiction books and websites to collect facts for a penguin information booklet. The children were also fascinated by the idea of igloos and have used their learning about structures this term to support them in designing and making their own ‘igloos’.
In RE this week, we have listened to the story of Jesus’ birth and have reflected on the impact of this story for Christians. Children have been retelling the story; searching for signs of Christmas; and are beginning to think about what Advent means for themselves personally. Rehearsals for our Nativity play are also well underway and children have been learning how to perform key songs effectively.

Friday 12th November 2021

This week we have been busy looking at different house structures from brick houses to even igloos! We looked at the features of each structure and discussed why they were suitable for that place. We then decided to have a go at building our own versions using resources from around our classroom. We have also been learning about things that are living, dead or never alive so we sorted different objects into the correct groups. We found out that a wooden table was once alive because it came from a tree but many items like cars or TV’s were never alive!

Friday 5th November 2021

This week, in Year 1, we have started to learn about hot and cold places and we started by learning about the equator, North Pole and South Pole. In science, we learnt about the weather and the children made great weather reports of their own! We also made a painting of a very cold place and wrote some sentences about it. In Maths, we carried on learning about part-whole models for different numbers up to 10. In computing, we are learning about digital painting. We learnt about the tools in the program Paintz and had a go at using them ourselves to make a self-portrait. Next week we are going to learn how to use straight lines and primary colours. Our new English book is called ‘The Emperor’s Egg’ and so far we have looked at the front cover and made some predictions about what will happen in the book.

Friday 22nd October 2021

This week has been very busy in Year 2. We investigated how to find halves and quarters as we continued our fractions work. We classified different classes of animals in our science and came across several animals that confused us. These included flightless birds, mammals that live in the ocean and vegetarian bears (OK, pandas)! This meant we had to do some in depth research into these animals and we discovered some fascinating facts.
We explored some more of the African music we have been listening to, concentrating on rhythm and movement.
We went back in time to role play being in an army hospital in the Crimean and we worked as Florence Nightingale’s nurses to help the patients and clean and modernise the hospital.
Finally, we launched into our Young Leader’s Award and explored how people feel and how we might be able to tell. We discussed ways to improve the mood of everyone around us and we thought of some ways to spread secret kindness by stealth!

Friday 15th October 2021

Hook Class have been busy this week preparing for the Harvest Festival. They told some Harvest prayers, sung some songs and did a fantastic job retelling the story of ‘The Lost Son’ that they have been learning about in RE. They have been working very hard in maths adding and subtracting two-digit numbers using dienes.

In English, we have been focusing on describing scenes from One Day on Our Blue Planet and writing dictated sentences.

Friday 8th October 2021

This week in Year 1, we have been continuing our learning about animals, but focusing on animals from the savannah. In science we have been learning about and labelling different parts of animals and thinking about what each part is used for. In the discovery area, we have been investigating animal footprints, looking at similarities and differences.

Following an interest in animal shadows, children have been making their own shadow puppets, using mixed media and have been performing shadow-puppet shows to each other. Another challenge this week was to design, build and label a safari park, thinking about what kinds of enclosures each animal needed.

Our focus in maths has been comparing numbers using the symbols <, > and =. The children worked hard to make their own Blockzilla mouth to help them compare towers of blocks. We then extended this to think about comparing numerals.

In English, we have been focusing on describing scenes from One Day on Our Blue Planet and writing dictated sentences.

Friday 1st October 2021

This week in Golden Class have been working hard and becoming African savannah  experts. We’ve written some interesting Lion Fact Files and researched the sounds of Africa. In Maths, we’ve been exploring more than and less and we were all able to confidently compare groups of objects and numbers.
The learning has not stopped there,  in History, we’ve been looking at Florence Nightingale. We embodied Florence Nightingale by making lamps and practiced our nursing skills at Golden Hospital. In our construction area we have been experimenting with different materials to make boats and dinosaur hides.

In English, we have been focusing on describing scenes from One Day on Our Blue Planet and writing dictated sentences.

Friday 24th September 2021

This week we have been busy with a new book in English – One Day on our Blue Planet – in the Savannah. We will be reading this over the next few weeks and doing lots of writing from it. So far, we have identified animals from one of the lovely illustrations and had a discussion about lions. We worked out what we know already, what we would like to know and how we will find out. Some children suggested that we find a zookeeper and others suggested that we take a trip to Africa to see the animals.

In Y1 Maths, we have been practising counting objects up to 10. We have also been representing them in different ways such as with physical objects, drawings and by writing the numbers themselves in numerals and in words. We love counting as much as possible and next week we will be counting forwards and backwards. In Y2, we have been looking at larger numbers up to 100. In one of our lessons we completed a hundred square and looked for odd and even numbers.

In Science this week we have been learning about the life cycle of a butterfly. The children were so good at remembering lots of facts about this including how long an egg takes to hatch and how long a caterpillar typically stays in its cocoon. We have also been reading for pleasure about animals and learnt lots of facts about blue whales!

Each class has also been busy making a carnival float which will be displayed in Ilminster for all to enjoy. We hope you like them!


Friday 17th September 2021

Key Stage One have had a great first ‘full’ week back at school and we have been busy getting to know each other in our new classes. Across the school, we have been reading The Secret Sky Garden and much of our learning has stemmed from this amazing text. We have also enjoyed our first swimming lesson of this year and for some of our children, this has been their first experience of swimming at Greenfylde. It has been so lovely to see lots of smiling faces after successful swimming sessions. Some of our classes have also enjoyed their first Forest School day with Vernon and others are looking forward to their first session in the coming weeks.


Friday 2nd July 2021

Key Stage 1 have had a very exciting week this week with a fantastic visit from Axe Valley Farm! We learnt about lots of animals and we even got to stroke centipedes, lizards, tortoises and even snakes! In RE, we have been learning about Judaism and the special weekly ceremony called the Shabbat so, we decided to have our own! We ate delicious Challah bread, drank grape juice and celebrated together.


Friday 18th June 2021
This week Dunkerton class has been very busy working together. Our teamwork has resulted in some fantastic Traction Man story boxes in which we put our hero into new and dangerous adventures. We made the scenes using our shoeboxes and various craft materials. We shall see if Traction Man survives and saves the day.
We had a lovely afternoon working together to make sunflowers and poems about them.
We practised our coding and ‘debugging’ using Lego in programming pairs. One person alone had control of the Lego while their partner was the only one that knew what they had to build. The teams had to work together to complete the build correctly by giving the correct, precise instructions and then tracking through the model to find where they had made mistakes.
We also worked together to explore friendship and what it meant to be a good friend in school and out. We established some great techniques for negotiating with our friends when we want to do different things and for repairing friendships when things go wrong.
Friday 11th June 2021

We have been using the book ‘Traction Man Is Here’ for more inspiration in our English lessons this week! We started off by working in pairs to make story boxes. Each story box focuses on a scene from the book and children had to use mixed media to represent different scenes. See the photos for some examples.

Once the boxes were decorated, we used them as focal points for our own stories about Traction Man which the children wrote down and then orally recorded. We were thinking about how we read a comic book with lots of expression to support this. Some children even brought the characters in their own stories to the classroom, while other set their stories at a park.

In geography we have continued our learning about continents and applied this to the question ‘Why are maps useful?’ This week we have been exploring atlases to locate the continents on maps.

In art, we have been responding to artwork by Andy Goldsworthy and talking about his style and technique. We will apply this learning to our own clay sculptures next week.

Friday 28th May 2021

We have had another busy week in KS1! In Maths, we have been counting in 2s, 5s, and 10s. We have been making concrete number lines to help us count in different ways from any given number up to 100. We have also been writing number tracks in sand, paint, pens and chalk. We are all such good mathematicians we even spotted some patterns in the number tracks and concrete number lines.

Friday 21st May 2021
We have been learning about materials in science this term. Friday 21st May was Science Day and in Year 1 children chose to spend to day finding out about space. We came into the classroom and it was all dark and lit with starlight. We watched footage of the first moon landing and looked at images taken from space. We decided to design a rocket which meant children had to test different materials for their suitability to make a rocket. Here are some of our thoughts:

“We can’t use glass it won’t bend to the right shape.”

“Metal is strong and can get really hot without melting so it’s best.”

“Plastic will fly because it’s light.”

After a morning of testing for strength, flexibility, absorbency, heat conductivity (using ice) and other characteristics, the children drew and labelled their rockets.

Friday 14th May 2021
KS1 have had another busy week. In Maths, we have been learning about fractions. In Year 2, we can now find 1/2, 1/4 and 1/3 of different numbers.
In Science, we have been testing whether materials are waterproof or absorbent. In History, we looked at the Thames Tunnel and we even went back in time for a virtual tour in 1843.
Friday was also Pyjamarama Day and we really enjoyed coming to school in our pyjamas and onesies!
Friday 7th May 2021
KS1 have had a busy week this week! We have been learning about the book ‘Where the Wild Things Are’ and we even managed to do some interviewing of some real life wild things! We have been looking at the life of Isambard Kingdom Brunel and ordered these events in a timeline. On Friday, we raised money for the NSPCC by doing all things numbers! We did a selection of number activities and even squeezed in a game of Bingo!
Friday 23rd April 2021
We have been very busy in Year 2 this week!
We took part in a Schools Against Waste Workshop and helped Wigglebert  Worm to sort our rubbish. We saved our waste, built our composting heap and tried to throw away as little as possible. We learned to Reduce, Recycle and Reuse!
We learned all about the materials that make up our world. Dunkerton headed out around the school on a Materials hunt. We found that almost everything around our school was made from a very small number of materials.
During our English lessons we have been looking at “Where The Wild Things Are” by Maurice Sendak. We acted out the scenes and tried to imagine what Max might have been feeling. We used role-play to invent our own alternative endings to the story.
In our RE lessons, we have been looking at Judaism. We learned all about the Torah and we had a great time making our own “mini Torah”.

Spring Term 2 2021

This term has been a term of three parts – we started off with many children learning at home before we were all back together again.  We really enjoyed having time to reconnect as a school community and have been doing lots of PSHE lessons to help us get settled back in. Finally, the last part of our term saw us go back to ‘normal lessons’ as well as celebrating Easter at the end of term. Some of our highlights included:

  • Learning about India including a tasting session followed by the chance to design our own kind of samosa!
  • Lots of time for art linked to India from rangoli patterns to creating pictures of Indian buildings with pointillism techniques.
  • We spent time planting seeds that were kindly donated to the school and we are looking forward to seeing if things have started growing when we go back to school after Easter.
  • We were able to have Star of the Week assemblies again which we love because it’s great to celebrate our successes.
  • We did some brilliant writing this term all linked to Jack and the Beanstalk. We wrote our own versions of the story where we changed the ending. We also made wanted posters when a beanstalk suddenly appeared on school grounds. When it disappeared, we received a letter from Miss Oaten, asking us to write instructions on how to catch the giant.

Friday 26th March 2021

KS1 have had a very interesting week. After a mysterious man delivered some ‘magical looking’ beans we decided to plant them (just in case!) Then, on Monday our forest school area had grown a huge beanstalk with a scary looking giant at the top! We decided to try and catch the giant, so we made wanted posters to put up around the school and we wrote letters to people who could come up with a plan to catch him.

Spring Term 1 2021

This term has been an unusual one with many of the children learning from home due to the national lockdown. We have been so impressed by how hard everyone has worked and have loved seeing updates on Class Dojo and Google Classroom. Some highlights from this half term have included:

  • Learning about the history of flight, from hot air balloons to space travel.
  • Working scientifically in Science – we have sorted seeds, observed microhabitats and tested the effectiveness of different root structures!
  • We were inspired by our learning about flight so used Lego to design our own type of transport.
  • In English, we have been reading books about owls and then writing our own stories and discussion texts inspired by these books.
  • In PE, we have been really lucky to be able to have Zoom dance lessons and this has been one of the highlights of our week.
  • We have continued to learn how we can adapt in these unusual times – we have Collective Worship on Zoom and we have visited churches virtually in RE. Although things are strange and we would like to get back to some kind of normal, we have learnt to be resilient and determined to achieve and experience exciting things.

Autumn term 2020

We have had a very busy and different Autumn term as we have all had to adjust to being back at school after the initial lockdown. We are extremely proud of all of the children in Key Stage One who seem to have taken it in their stride.

Some of our Autumn term highlights include:

  • Reading some great books in English like Beegu and The Man on the Moon.
  • Investigating some mysterious debris on the playground at the start of Autumn 2 (See our CCTV video).
  • Creating our class carnival floats to be displayed in Iliminster
  • A socially-distanced visit from Father Christmas
  • Christmas lunch and Christmas jumper days

PE kit 

Our PE days this term are Mondays and Fridays. Children should wear their PE kit to school on the days that they have PE. PE kits should be plain, dark colours.
PE will take place outside whenever possible. Please see Class Dojo for your child’s swimming day for this half term.

Reading Books: 

It is really important that children re-read books. When they first read a book, they will be focusing on working out what each word says. When they re-read books, they develop confidence, fluency, expression and understanding which are all key skills in reading. For this reason, reading books will be changed on Mondays and Thursdays. Please still bring your reading book and reading record into school every day as this will help us when we are reading with your child in school.

Knowledge Organisers

Knowledge organisers are a tool which summarise key facts and essential knowledge that we teach in school, linked to the National Curriculum. Every time your child starts a new a new unit of work they will be given a knowledge organiser. This is essentially a “fact sheet” for the topic. Knowledge organisers will also be available online via Google Classroom. We will start “low-stakes quizzing;” to review and retrieve knowledge. We do these quizzes as it strengthens children’s memory and enables them to access more complex tasks. Increasing memory also helps students to think more creatively, critically and analytically. You can support your child by discussing the information on the knowledge organisers with your son or daughter and quizzing them on what they know. If you require a paper copy, please message your child’s class teacher on Class Dojo to arrange this.


Fine motor information from training session in May 2021

Please take a look at this video of Miss Green explaining how you can support your child to develop their fine motor skills. Please speak to your child’s class teacher if you have any questions.