Sports Development

At Greenfylde C of E First School we recognise the importance of promoting healthy lifestyles and high quality physical activity for our pupils. We want to offer our pupils a breadth of experience that will encourage them to enjoy sports, develop community links and understand the importance of physical activity for a healthy life. Hopefully, if we can set the foundations then our pupils will.

Please find below Sports Development Plan documents:

Sport and PE at Greenfylde 2021- 2022

The COVID 19 pandemic has continued to impact on provision of sport and physical activity at Greenfylde particularly during the Autumn Term of 2021. However, getting children active and enjoying taking part in Sport has remained at the heart of who we are. In order to fully support the children through the catch-up required following the impact of the pandemic we believe children need to be active, understand the value of team work and know how to live a healthy lifestyle.

Children continued to access two hours of timetabled PE accessing the full curriculum and as the year progressed and restrictions lifted we saw a return to a wide range of extra-curricular clubs as well as coaching opportunities from outside agencies. Clubs this year have included gymnastics, boccia, archery, cricket, rounders, tennis, dance and Forest School. Each term, clubs are accessed by children from all age groups.

We have continued to offer specialised teaching in Yoga and dance and this has lead to winning a bronze medal at the SASP dance festival in July 2022. We have been able to make a return to inter- school competition and children have competed in gymnastics, boccia, cricket, athletics and dance. A combined Greenfylde and Swanmead Key Stage Two athletics team took the Gold at The Chard Quadkids event in June.

Our Sports Council have continued to work with Mr Brunt and Mrs Nakayama to provide a pupil voice. Together the council had an impact on what after school clubs were on offer, selected equipment to support active playtimes and devised an active advent virtual calendar. Leaders have also been an integral part of each lesson, delivering warm ups and demonstrating skills.

We have been able to open the Swimming pool this year for all children to develop water confidence and early swimming skills.

The highlight of the year was the return of the Sports Week. This week in June saw all children from Pre-school to year Four take part in a variety of inter house competitions. One of the days became our Commonwealth Games day when children took part in a series of sports which will feature in this year’s Commonwealth Games. The focus of the day was ‘We are all in this together.’ Every child learned and took part in a whole school dance choregraphed by Mrs Holley.

It has been an exciting year in Early Years Foundation Stage for Physical activity too. Greenfylde, Sunny Ile and Cygnets all took part in the Somerset Activity and Sports Partnership Physical Activity Audit, which looked at assessing and building upon the quality of physical activity provision provided across the three settings. The aim of the audit was to get children moving and enjoying physical activity throughout the day, and embedding it into daily practice. We looked at things that were already integrated into our provision, and learnt about lots of fun new activities, games and opportunities along the way. We have now become accredited SASP Physical Activity Providers!

Class Number in year % of Active Pupils in School Clubs % of Pupils involved in L1 Competition (in School) % of Pupils involved in L2 Competition (between schools) % of Pupils involved in Community Clubs % of active pupils in PE
Year 4 72 50.0% 100.00% 100.00% 54.17% 100.00%
Year 3 69 60.9% 100.00% 100.00% 75.36% 100.00%
Year 2 58 55.2% 100.00% 0.00% 62.07% 100.00%
Year 1 62 53.2% 100.00% 0.00% 72.58% 100.00%
Year R 76 0.0% 100.00% 0.00% 51.32% 100.00%
Totals 337 42.4% 100.00% 41.84% 62.61% 100.00%